Application Process
Thank you for choosing Long Term Rental Group. Our application process is simple. After you have chosen a property, you can CLICK on the “APPLY NOW” button. It is very important that all information provided is true. Any false information may result in eviction.
The following documents are required to process the application:
- Copy of driver’s license or Sheriff’s picture ID
- Last 2 pay stubs of each income source listed
- If self employed, most current Schedule C tax return and proof of income
- Application fee(s) – $75.00 for each applicant
These documents can be emailed to You can pay your application fee online. Just look for the Pay Online tab.
Each adult (19 or older) that will be living in the home will need to fill out an application. Each adult will also need to be on the lease. We do a full credit check on each applicant. Please include the NON REFUNDABLE application fee of $75.00 for each applicant that will be living in the house. An application for each adult living in the house is required.
Contact Us
Telephone: (251) 967 1018
Address: 1544 W. 2nd Street,
Suite 115, Gulf Shores Al 36542
Mailing Address: PO Box 953 Gulf Shores, AL 36547
No. All of our homes are non smoking homes. Please ask us about this prior to submitting an application.